Spring to Action 2023
We hosted our annual Spring to Action event on April 8th, 2023. The focus of this event was “Addressing Toxic STEM Culture” and hosted by Boston University.

Peer Chat series
NE GWiSE implemented a new virtual event series for the 2022-2023 academic year, focusing on informal chats amongst peers. Our first guest, Hannah Margolis, kicked off our event series!
2022 Fall Kickoff Event
NE GWiSE kicked off the 2022-2023 academic year with an event centered around this year’s theme of community and coalition building!

Spring summit 2022
It’s been two long years, but we are finally back with our Spring Summit! The focus of this hybrid event was Careers in STEM and hosted by Northeastern University.

year end series gathering: Building Inclusive Communities
The Year End Gathering capped off our 2020-2021 virtual seminar series, Building Inclusive Communities. This final event was discussion-based with a focus on the importance of community and belonging in grad school.
Science Policy Workshop with Dr. Adriana Bankston
In our 2021 Science Policy Workshop, workshop, Dr. Bankston gave an interactive presentation describing effective communication strategies in science policy, highlighted opportunities for engagement with policymakers, and empowered the graduate student participants to be strong advocates for science.

Building Inclusive Communities Seminar Series: Graduate Community Builders Panel Discussion
The fifth event of our virtual series brought together student leaders to discuss their work building community in academia.

Building inClusive communities seminar series: Dr. Tariana V. Little
The fourth event in our 2020-2021 virtual series was led by Dr. Tariana V. Little and titled “Transforming Setbacks into Success: A Framework to Fail Forward.”

Building Inclusive Communities Seminar Series: Dr. Ellise LaMotte
Our third seminar of the year, “How to Advocate for Yourself and Your Community,” was led by Dr. Ellise LaMotte, Director of the Center for STEM Diversity at Tufts University. This was our first discussion-based event of the year, where attendees had the opportunity to meet others in STEM and share advocacy experiences and strategies.

Building Inclusive Communities: Deja Knight
We held the second seminar of the year in our virtual speaker series, “Building Inclusive Communities,” on October 15th, 2020 with Deja Knight. The series consists of one seminar & discussion per month, and features a selected guest speaker to discuss the roles that we can play on our campuses to make learning and research more inclusive for everyone. The title of Deja’s talk was “Creating Inclusive and Safe Spaces for Minority and First-Generation Students That Effect Measurable Change.”